Klein vision flying car | flying car price | flying car in India

The science fiction is now reality. we really have a flying car developed by klein vision. This is a duel mode car you can convert it in a aircraft and back to the car. This is called aircar now.

This Air car moved closer to production this week, fulfilling a key development milestone in a 35-minute flight from the international airport in Nitra to the international airport in Bratislava on June 28th, 2021.

Klein vision flying car compleated 142nd successful landing in Bratislava. After landing, at a click of a button the car transformed into a sports car in just under three minutes. After that, it was driven by its inventor, Professor Stefan Klein and co-founder, Anton Zajac to downtown Bratislava.

This flight starts a new era of dual transportation vehicles. It opens a new category of transportation and returns the freedom originally attributed to cars back to the individual.” said Professor Klein after exiting the AirCar cockpit in Bratislava.

Image credit – Klein vision

The aircar is flying in the sky proving if you have determination you can do anything.

Klein vision flying car prototype 1

The Aircar Prototype 1 is equipped with a 160HP BMW engine with a fixed-propeller and a ballistic parachute. AirCar has completed more than 40 hours of test flights, including 45 degree turns and stability and maneuverability tests. AirCar Prototype 1 flew at an altitude of 8200 ft and reached a maximum cruising speed of 190 km/h.

Klein vision flying car prototype 2

AirCar Prototype 2, model, will be equipped with a 300HP engine. This is expected to have a cruise speed of 300km/h and a range of 1000km.

Founder of Klein vision

Stefan Klein is the Founder and CEO of Klein Vision. He devoted the last twenty years to converting his flying-car dream into reality.


Q1. What will be the price of this flying car in India?

Ans. At present, we can’t say anything about it because the production of aircars is going to start soon. When we will get the prices for their country then we can estimate the prices for India at that time. If we go for the estimates this aircar can’t come under 20 crores. Still, when we find any update regarding this we will update you.

Q2. When this flying car will launch in India?

Ans. We cannot say about the launch in India as the production of the flying car (aircar) is yet to start in their country.

Gallery of Klein vision flying car